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Jan. 7

Winter Beer Festival Ticket Outlets

As of 3:45pm on Tuesday, February 23rd... THERE ARE A GRAND TOTAL OF LESS THAN 20 TICKETS STILL OUT AT A FEW OF THE OUTLETS LISTED BELOW, most of the places only selling tickets as part of a bus package. Once these are gone there WILL NOT be any other tickets available anywhere. Arbor Brewing - Ann Arbor SOLD OUT! Beggar's Banquet - Lansing (with bus package) Corner Brewery - Ypsilanti SOLD OUT! Forans Grand Trunk Pub - Detroit SOLD OUT! Grand River Grocery - Ada (with bus package) Hideout - Grand Rapids SOLD OUT! Hopcat - Grand Rapids SOLD OUT! International Beverage - Grand Rapids SOLD OUT! Kuhnhenn Brewing Co. - Warren SOLD OUT! Legend's Sports Bar & Grill - Paw Paw (with Bus package) Liberty Street - Plymouth SOLD OUT! The Livery - Benton Harbor SOLD OUT! Michigan Brewing Co. - Webberville (with bus package) Motor City Brew Tours - motorcitybrewtours.com SOLD OUT! New Holland Brewing Co. - Holland SOLD OUT! Old Boys Brewhouse - Spring Lake SOLD OUT! Old Hat Brewery - Lawton SOLD OUT! Original Gravity - Milan SOLD OUT! Right Brain Brewery - Traverse City SOLD OUT! Rochester Mills Beer Co. - Rochester SOLD OUT! Royal Oak Brewery - Royal Oak SOLD OUT! Schmohz Brewing Co. - Grand Rapids SOLD OUT! Siciliano's Market - Grand Rapids SOLD OUT! Walldorff Brewpub - Hastings SOLD OUT!

Winter Beer Festival

Summer Beer Festival

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