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Apr. 24

Michigan Brewers Guild Publishes 2018 Annual Guide

(LANSING, Mich) – The Michigan Brewers Guild has just released the 2018 edition of its annual publication, Michigan. The Great Beer State. The theme this year is “Thirst for Adventure” with articles focused on recreational activities and trail towns around Michigan that support the craft beer philosophy—like paddling, hiking and biking.

The 88-page magazine also includes stories about other food and beverage products made with beer, local agricultural items used in the brewing process and an insiders look at the one-of-a-kind MBG hosted festivals (see 2018-2019 dates below).

A highlight of the guide is the pull-out map and listings for 270 member brewery locations spread out throughout Michigan’s two peninsulas (up from 239 in last year’s 20th Anniversary issue).

The 80,000 copies of the guide have been distributed to member breweries, Michigan welcome centers, chambers of commerce and visitor bureaus, retail locations and other beer-supporting businesses around the state. A flip-book version is also available online at MiBeer.com (under resources). An additional 10,000 copies of the pull-out map were also printed.

The Michigan Brewers Guild is the network of innovative and passionate brewers that serves as the recognized advocate for the Michigan craft beer industry. The mission of the Guild is to promote and protect the Michigan craft beer industry with an overarching goal to help craft beer acquire 20% of the market by 2025.

Michigan’s thriving brewing industry conservatively contributes more than $144 million in wages with a total economic contribution of more than $600 million. In terms of overall number of breweries, microbreweries and brewpubs, Michigan ranks #6 in the nation – thus supporting its claim as “The Great Beer State.”



facebook.com/MichiganBrewersGuild | twitter.com/MiBrewersGuild | instagram.com/MiBrewers

#MiBeer #DrinkMiBeer #GreatBeerState

Summer Beer Festival: July 27-28 – Ypsilanti 
UP Fall Beer Festival: September 8 – Marquette 
Detroit Fall Beer Festival: October 26-27 – Detroit 
Winter Beer Festival: February 22-23 – Grand Rapids

Michigan Brewers Guild is a proud member and supporter of the following organizations:

Brewers Association | Michigan Agri-Tourism Association | Michigan Association of Society Executives | Michigan Beer & Wine Wholesalers Association | Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development | Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) | Michigan Festivals & Events Association | Michigan Grocers Association | Michigan Licensed Beverage Association | Michigan Lodging & Tourism Association | Michigan Restaurant Association | Michigan Snowsports Industries Association | Michigan State University – Extension | Michigan Trails | The Nature Conservancy | Tourism Industry Coalition of Michigan (TICOM) | Travel Michigan (MEDC — Pure Michigan) | West Michigan Tourist Association

Winter Beer Festival

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