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Feb. 12

Michigan Brewers Guild Announces 2021 Board of Directors

The Michigan Brewers Guild recently elected its 2021 Board of Directors, welcoming Max Trierweiler of The Mitten Brewing Company to his first two-year term.

Additional board members include:

  • Isaac Hartman, “Ambassador of Great Beer” from New Holland Brewing Company, was elected to his seventh term on the board and will remain President of the association;
  • David Ringler, Owner of Cedar Springs Brewing Company in Cedar Springs, continues his second term on the board and will serve as Vice President;
  • Peter Manthei, Owner of Beards Brewery in Petoskey, continues his first term and was named Treasurer;
  • Aubrey Martinson, Co-Owner of Chelsea Alehouse in Chelsea, was elected to her second term and continues to serve as the organization’s secretary;
  • Edward Stencel, Owner of River Rouge Brewing Co., in Royal Oak, continues his first term on the board;
  • Kim Collins, Owner of Guardian Brewing Co., in Saugatuck, continues her first term on the board.

Formed in 1997, the Michigan Brewers Guild represents nearly 300 member breweries (a number that increases on a monthly basis). The Guild is a passionate beer community that believes in quality artisanship, bold character, fun, responsibility and pushing the boundaries. The mission of the Guild is to promote and protect the Michigan beer industry with an overarching goal to help locally brewed beer attain 20% of all beer sales in the state by 2025.

Michigan’s brewing industry contributes more than 21,000 full-time jobs and $872 million in labor income, with a total economic impact of over $2.5 billion. In terms of overall number of breweries, microbreweries and brewpubs, Michigan ranks #6 in the nation—supporting its title as “The Great Beer State.”

Winter Beer Festival

Summer Beer Festival

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