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Jan. 18

Michigan Brewers Guild Announces 2009 Board of Directors

The Michigan Brewers Guild elected its 2009 Board of Directors at its annual meeting, January 15 at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in downtown Kalamazoo. Eric Briggeman, Brewmaster at Rochester Mills Beer Co. in Rochester, was appointed to his second year as Guild President. He has been on the board for six years. Steve Berthel, Brewmaster and Partner at The Livery in Benton Harbor, continues his second year as Secretary. Mike Stevens, President of Founders Brewing Co. in Grand Rapids, continues his fourth year as Treasurer. Isaac Hartman, “Ambassador of Great Beer” from New Holland Brewing Company, was elected to his first term as Member-at-Large. Greg Burke, Brewmaster at Woodward Avenue Brewers, was also elected to his first term as a Member-at-Large. The MBG board oversees the organization’s administrative and promotional affairs, including two annual public events (Summer Beer Festival in July in Ypsilanti and Winter Beer Festival in February in Grand Rapids) as well as its annual Winter Conference.

Winter Beer Festival

Summer Beer Festival

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