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Dec. 14

Garrett Oliver – Michael Jackson Foundation/Brooklyn Brewery and Ari Weinzweig – Zingerman’s Community of Businesses to Keynote Michigan Brewers Guild Virtual Conference & Trade Show

A long-standing collaboration between the Michigan Brewers Guild and the Master Brewers Association of the Americas (MBAA) – District Michigan now also welcomes Michigan State University Extension's Great Lakes Hop & Barley Conference for an enhanced Virtual Conference and Trade Show, January 12-14.

Brewing industry experts from around the world are being brought together virtually to educate across diverse topics for brewers, brewery owners and specialists in hop and malt production — including Garrett Oliver of the Michael Jackson Foundation and Brooklyn Brewery as the opening keynote and Ari Weinzweig of Zingerman’s Community of Businesses as the closing keynote.

Three afternoons of informative sessions — focused on agriculture, business and technical aspects — will be offered from 3-7pm on Tuesday, January 12; Wednesday, January 13 and Thursday, January 14. Two Virtual Trade Show sessions geared toward the brewing industry will be offered from Noon to 2pm on January 13-14. The complete schedule, including the list of speakers, can be found at MiBeer Annual Conference. The list of exhibitors for the Trade Show will be posted in early January.

Registration is open now for both members of all presenting organization ($50 per person) and non-members or the general public ($75 person). Rates for all levels increase by $25 per person on January 9. Attendance in the Trade Show is free of charge, although advanced registration is required.

The Michigan Brewers Guild was formed in 1997 and held its first festival in July 1998. Today, the Guild hosts five festivals dedicated exclusively to Michigan craft beer produced by its more than 290 member breweries (a number that increases on a monthly basis).

Formed in 1997, the Michigan Brewers Guild represents nearly 300 member breweries (a number that increases on a monthly basis). The Guild is a passionate beer community that believes in quality artisanship, bold character, fun, responsibility and pushing the boundaries. The mission of the Guild is to promote and protect the Michigan beer industry with an overarching goal to help locally brewed beer attain 20% of all beer sales in the state by 2025.

Michigan’s brewing industry contributes more than 21,000 full-time jobs and $872 million in labor income, with a total economic impact of over $2.5 billion. In terms of overall number of breweries, microbreweries and brewpubs, Michigan ranks #6 in the nation—supporting its title as “The Great Beer State.”

Winter Beer Festival

Summer Beer Festival

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