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Oct. 15

Chicagoist's "Beer of the Week": Dark Horse's Crooked Tree IPA

In keeping with our stated goal of focusing the remainder of this year's "BotW" selections on breweries we've not covered, we turn our attention this week to Dark Horse Brewing Company in Marshall, Michigan. It's a 3 hour drive to Marshall from Chicago and — as with New Belgium Holland, Founder's and, naturally, Bell's — worth a day trip. Autumn is India Pale Ale season and Dark Horse's "Crooked Tree" is a fine representation of the style. This dry-hopped IPA is a deep honey in color, with a lot of warm citrus (think orange or grapefruit) and pine on the nose. If you love hop-forward beers, Crooked Tree won't disappoint. It's very hop forward on the palate, with the malts balancing the bitterness as the chill wears off the beer. The hops also give Crooked Tree a very dry and lingering finish. We tried to find Crooked Tree in a bar to little avail. But it is carried at most liquor stores and worth picking up. Have it with some BBQ. Dark Horse's Crooked Tree IPA is Chicagoist's "Beer of the Week." http://chicagoist.com/2008/10/15/chicagoists_beer_of_the_week_dark_h.php

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