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Nov. 3

2010 Thank You!

I would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported Michigan Beer in 2010! Although there are still 2 months left in the year for you to pick up your favorite 6-packs, or to visit your favorite pubs, our Festival year for the Brewers Guild has come to a close. Despite warm weather at the Winter Festival (which caused rivers of melting snow), HEAVY rain and tornado sirens at the Summer Festival, a light mist at the UP Festival, and cloudy/cool weather for the Detroit Festival, we still managed to achieve EXCELLENT attendance at all four events! So thank you again to all of you who put our Festival dates on your calendar! Looking ahead...here are the Festival dates for 2011... Winter Beer Festival - February 26 Summer Beer Festival - July 22-23 UP Fall Beer Festival - September 10 Detroit Fall Beer Festival - October 22 Tickets for the Winter Beer Festival go on sale December 1st! Don't forget that this festival SOLD OUT a whole week in advance in 2010... Cheers and Thank You, Eric Briggeman Guild President

Summer Beer Festival

U.P. Fall Beer Festival

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