False False

In today’s political environment the costs of a campaign such as advertising, polling, travel and staff can be substantial. An important means of supporting political candidates is to make campaign donations. Michigan’s Campaign Finance Act requires groups participating in Michigan elections to form and file committees which are permitted to receive contributions and make expenditures in support of political candidates. A Political Action Committee (PAC) is a group of people formed to raise money and make contributions to the campaigns of political candidates whom they support. Corporations, on the other hand (including the Michigan Brewers Guild), are not permitted to make donations to political campaigns.

A PAC may not accept corporate contributions and must observe the same contribution limits as an individual when making contributions to a candidate. The Protect Michigan Craft Beer PAC was formed to support legislators who have demonstrated support for protecting Michigan’s craft beer industry and who share similar core policy values as craft beer producers, retailers and enthusiasts. This PAC is a non-connected PAC and is not controlled by the Michigan Brewers Guild, although both groups share substantially similar interests. Protect Michigan Craft Beer’s financial resources come from like-minded individuals who believe in Michigan’s craft beer industry and want to participate monetarily as a group with others in Michigan.

Donations to the PAC allow support of legislators and campaigns that will preserve and promote the craft beer industry here in Michigan. Donations cannot come from corporations, only concerned citizens. If you would like to make a donation or would like more information about the Protect Michigan Craft Beer PAC, please visit their website at www.protectmichigancraftbeer.org.

Winter Beer Festival

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